Some years ago I have heard about sashiko. And found out blog of Susan Briscoe (I think she is number 1 in sashiko in UK). Her
book on sashiko is full of beautiful patterns. Sashiko is old, but patterns looks very modern.
On 4. Prague Patchwork Meeting I met with Susan and it was very nice meeting. I have been on her sashiko workshop, because I donot think that book can learn as good as teacher. She is not only expert, she is nice person. I recommend to visit her
blog and her
On picture we are on evening party on the boat. You can see Susan,
Valeria from Ukraina, another great person. Then my niece Karolina, she has ten years and she has some wxperience with knitting, crocheting and patchwork too. And thanks to Susan she knows, what is sashiko.